FMC Chairman Discusses Ports, Shipping, Maritime Infrastructure, and Port Efficiencies with Key Members of Congress - Federal Maritime Commission
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FMC Chairman Discusses Ports, Shipping, Maritime Infrastructure, and Port Efficiencies with Key Members of Congress

January 13, 2017

Key Members of Congress interested in ports, shipping, and infrastructure hosted Federal Maritime Commission Chairman Mario Cordero for a conversation yesterday about trends in these sectors and their contributions to the American economy.

Chairman Cordero travelled to Capitol Hill at the invitation of Representatives Ted Poe (R-TX) and Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), the co-chairs of the House Ports Opportunity, Renewal, Trade and Security (PORTS) Caucus. In an informal, hour-long conversation, Cordero provided his hosts and other Members of Congress with his perspective on trends in the shipping industry and their impact on the business of operating maritime port facilities.

“Infrastructure Investment in port gateways is a significant and vital part of the American economy. Ports, as they incorporate technology, are indispensable national assets that create jobs, facilitate global commerce, and make a contribution to the Nation far beyond their physical boundaries,” noted Cordero. “I applaud Congressmen Poe and Lowenthal for their leadership of the PORTS Caucus and for all the work they, and all the caucus members, do in working to keep our Nation’s ports efficient and competitive.”

During the discussion, Cordero touched on a variety of subjects including the responsibility of the Federal Maritime Commission to guarantee a competitive marketplace for ocean transportation services. Cordero spoke to recent events in the shipping industry, including considerable merger and acquisition activity and the restructuring of the carrier alliances, and explored how these developments may impact ports and marine terminal operating companies.

“Last year was one that saw not only generational, but historic, changes in the ocean shipping industry,” said Cordero. “I was pleased to be able to brief members of the PORTS Caucus on these changes, how they may impact maritime gateways, and what the FMC is doing to guard against anticompetitive behavior.”

Congressman Alan Lowenthal, Chairman Cordero, and Congressman Ted Poe Mario Cordero is a Commissioner with the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission. The thoughts and comments expressed here are his own and do not necessarily represent the position of the Commission.