Commissioner Lidinsky’s statement on 2014 Update to the FMC Report U.S. Inland Containerized Cargo Moving through Canadian and Mexican Seaports (2012) - Federal Maritime Commission
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Commissioner Lidinsky’s statement on 2014 Update to the FMC Report U.S. Inland Containerized Cargo Moving through Canadian and Mexican Seaports (2012)

July 21, 2014

Contact: Michael J. Gordon, Counsel to Commissioner Lidinsky

Commissioner Richard A. Lidinsky, Jr. has announced the publication of the second annual update of the FMC’s 2012 “Study of U.S. Inland Containerized Cargo Moving through Canadian and Mexican Seaports.”

“I am proud that as Chairman to have issued this landmark report which continues to serve as a vital tool for the Congress as it legislates port, and water resources matters.” Commissioner Lidinsky also pointed out that the recently FMC-approved Talking Agreement between the ports of Seattle and Tacoma “is fully consistent with the findings and recommendations of the original report.”

While this update contains statistical data underlining the challenges of U.S. ports and cross-border container traffic, it will be further supplemented with additional figures in the coming weeks.

The highlights of the report include the legislative progress of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014, as well as initial Congressional discussions over the Harbor Maintenance Tax. In addition, the activities now allowed between Seattle and Tacoma in the new agreement are enumerated.

The report was prepared through the joint efforts of the offices of Commissioner William P. Doyle and Commissioner Lidinsky.

To view the 2014 Update, please click on the link below:

2014 Update to the FMC Report U.S. Inland Containerized Cargo Moving through Canadian and Mexican Seaports (2012) [Report PDF Updated 7/24/2014]