Chairman Cordero Addresses South Carolina International Trade Conferen - Federal Maritime Commission
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Chairman Cordero Addresses South Carolina International Trade Conferen

September 9, 2014

 Chairman Cordero gave the keynote address at the 41st Annual South Carolina International Trade Conference on September 9, 2014, in Charleston, South Carolina. The Conference focused on a number of topics and issues concerning the container industry, including shipping and supply chain management, efforts and initiatives to promote international competitiveness through trade, motor carrier challenges, and the Panama Canal expansion. During his remarks, the Chairman spoke on President Obama’s call to invest in our strategic port gateways, including the Port of Charleston. Chairman Cordero observed that U.S. ports are paramount to increasing international trade and providing economic benefits to our nation as international trade begins at our ports. The Chairman also focused on recent efforts to deepen the Charleston harbor, noting that new shipping alliances show that the shift towards the use of larger shipping vessels and carrier cooperation is here to stay.