FMC MAY 2023 ACTIVITY REPORT - Federal Maritime Commission
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Two Shipping Lines Pay Civil Penalties Totaling $2.65 Million

Two ocean common carriers have paid a combined total of $2.65 million in civil penalties to resolve allegations of misconduct brought by the Federal Maritime Commission’s Bureau of Enforcement, Investigations, and Compliance.


John G. Crews, II Named FMC BEIC Director

John Crews has been hired as the first person to serve as the Director, Bureau of Enforcement, Investigations, and compliance and appointed to be a member of the Senior Executive Service.


Charge Complaint Refunds Hit $1 Million

More than $1 million in disputed charges have now been waived or refunded through the Charge Compliant process established by the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSRA) and administered by the Federal Maritime Commission.


FMC Meeting Covers Enforcement Activity, OSRA Implementation, and MTDI

The new regionally based structure for the Federal Maritime Commission investigatory program was unveiled at a meeting of the Commission where enforcement activity, continued progress in implementing the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSRA), and the latest status of the Maritime Transportation Data Initiative (MTDI) were all discussed.


National Shipper Advisory Committee Holding May 11, 2023 Meeting

The National Shipper Advisory Committee held a meeting on May 11, 2023, at the Federal Maritime Commission.


Statement by Commissioner Bentzel on MTDI

Statement delivered at meeting of FMC by Commissioner Carl Bentzel addressing completion of the Maritime Transportation Data Initiative.


April 2023 Activity Report




Notice Not to Review— U Shippers Group Inc., v. Maersk A/S DBA Maersk (No. 22-22)




International Vessel Operators Dangerous Goods Association Agreement (No. 011290-044)


Hapag-Lloyd/Zim Mediterranean Slot Exchange Agreement (No. 012276-003)


Bi-State Public Marine Terminal Discussion Agreement (No. 201218-001)


Maersk/MSC Gulf-ECSA Vessel Sharing Agreement (No. 201256-002)


World Shipping Council Agreement (No. 201349-003)



Applications 73

Revocations & Surrenders 23

Please see the OTI License Status Changes webpage for additional information.